24 Februari 2010

And The Story Continue

Inget gk cerita gw punya temen bot? jadi kemaren, kyknya doi kangen sama eke, doi message gw lagi. Terjadilha dialog hangat untuk kedua kalinya. Check this out:

[beberapa detik setelah gw OL]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Its my first day on cam goto http://www.freecamlink.net/afv4 and tell me what u think, its free for today only!

gw: So, have you done your exercises?
[ gw kan suruh dia exercise, terakhir kali chatting]

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: hey, hows it going?
[botnya perlu disekolahin biar bisa conversation sama gw....]

gw: I've told you b4, you're too fat
[belum beres gw ketik balesannya dia bales...]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: i'm 20/f your a male right?

gw: You need a lot exercises
gw: I know2
gw: You told me b4

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
[jawaban di atas anda adalah salah satu contoh jawaban yang tidak menyimak pertanyaan]

gw: Ow my god!
gw: You exactly repeat what you've told me b4
[gw mulai berasa de javu]

[dia ngerasa perlu kasih penjelasan, yg sebenernya..........]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam?

[tetep gk nyambung, jadi gw pertegas lagi....]
gw: I'm just asking you to exercise

[trus dia mulai nge-be'es]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Ok go to http://www.freecamlink.net/apq6 accept the invite on the page baby
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: sweet, fill out the info ur info.. i can not wait for you to see me baby let me find something nice to wear

[gw mulai mengalami stress tingkat tinggi, ngobrol sama bot tulalit]
gw: Ow my god

[kayaknya pekerjaan dia sebelum jadi bot adalah marketing kartu kredit]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site, so they might ask for CC to verify your age babe.

[gw bete, jadi gw bales]
gw: I don't want to talk with you anymore

[eh, dia malah flirting gw....]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...

[gw usir dia.....]
gw: Don't like a fat ass girl!
gw: Hush hush!

[tapi dia malah muji gw ...]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me to do!
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.

[tapi, gw harus jadi cowoq yang konsisten donk!]
gw: don't want to talk with you

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: u have to enter a cc, atm, or debit card so they can tell your of age, thats the ony way to see me sweety :-(
[gw yakin kalo nih bot jadi agen MLM, bisa sukses dia.....]

gw: Huh

[kemudian, dia malah nanyain si k...]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: k you in yet babe??

[gw jealous!!]
gw: What the?

[eh dia malah manggil lagi si k!!]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: k

[gw marah dan cemburu!!]
gw: K who?
gw: Answer me!
gw: :'(
[skrg dia selingkuh sama k.....dah gendut gk tau diri lagi selingkuh.....tapi gw belajar berjiwa besar, mungkin dia bukan jodoh gw, tpi jodohnya k....kasian si k, ceweqnya dah gendut, bego lagi]

[trus dia bales gini....alibi paling gk nyambung sedunia]
LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.

[jadi gw jawab aja pake tanda sip di MSN]
gw: (Y)

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: u have to enter a cc, atm, or debit card so they can tell your of age, thats the ony way to see me sweety :-(

gw: Kasian gw sama lu dul

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: k you in yet babe??

gw: Lu kyk ngapalin dialog

LashawndaKnick7813@hotmail.com: k

gw: Mana gk nyambung sama gw lgi
gw: Tpi seneng gw ngobrol samalu
gw: Kyk nyambung kita ye dul!
gw: Ada fb gk lu?
gw: Gw add donk
gw: Biar bisa maen castle age brg
gw: Oke oke?

Sampe sekarang gw masih berharap dia mau nge add fb gw, dan bersama2 kita akan mengalahkan naga!!

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