17 Agustus 2009

Puisi Gibran...

gw baru aja dpt link blog salah seorang blogger indo yg mengutip puisi dari khalil gibran...kira2 gini kutipannya:

Are You In Love With Someone?
When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person.
But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them.
At that moment, you are in love.Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh,your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone.
Then, you are in love.
If you are much more excited for one short e-mail fromthat special someone than other many long e-mails,you are in love.
When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you wouldnot hesitate to think of that special someone.
Then, you are in love.You keep telling yourself, "that special someone is just a friend", but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction.
At that moment, you are in love.
While you are reading this e-mail, if someoneappears in your mind,then u are in love with that person.
Love Is Unseen

ini link blog beliau: klik sini

Bener2 menyentuh hati, menginspirasi.....gw sering sih denger temen2 gw ngomongin gibran....tp baru sekarang gw bisa baca salah satu puisi dia....NAH! tp gw koq ngerasa aneh ye?
Gibran hidup di akhir abad 19 sampe awal abad 20, tp koq di puisi ini bisa ngomongin tiket nonton gratis? yah mungkin aja sih dlu dah ada bioskop.....tp koq bisa ngomongin e-mail? perasaan e-mail muncul di tahun 80an.....wkwkwkwkwk......

walau gw masih gak ngerti kenapa gibran bisa ngebahas e-mail di puisi dia, tp gw suka sama puisi ini....tq buat blogger yg dah ngutip puisi gibran di atas....

4 komentar:

  1. kayaknya bukan gibran deh tu phonk...banyak kale yang nulis gituan...dolo pas jaman prenster, gw dapet bulbo begituan...trus kemaren2 di fb juga ada yang bikin notes begitu...tapi, tauk deh...

  2. pantesan....gw bingung....koq bisa ngomongin tiket nonton film....trus ujung2nya ngomongin email.....

    gila seph! lu pinter abis! kyk sherlock holmes....dulu kecil dikasih makan apa?

  3. bukan masalah makanan, bung...tapi bacaan...bacaan gw khan kindaichi n conan, walo cuma modal minjem dari apit doank...wkwkwkwkwkwk

  4. Luar Biasa! Jawaban yang superb sekali......harusnya gw jg minjem waktu itu....
